Mental Health, Help-seeking attitudes, Cross-Cultural, University Students, Undergraduate Students


MADANI is the acronym of a set of six core values introduced by Malaysia’s Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim in 2023. These values are envisioned to shape Malaysia into a civilised, skilled, and inclusive society, with a particular emphasis on empowering the youth as a driving force for the nation’s future. Intended to permeate all levels of Malaysian society, including youth development and sports, these values embrace the multicultural diversity of Malaysia. While sports are often associated with elitism and competition, their socio-cultural dimension offers a platform for instilling human development values in the youth, fostering positive growth. This inclusive set of core values, MADANI, holds promise for being integrated into youth development programmes through sports, facilitating positive change. This exploration of incorporating MADANI values into youth development through sports serves as a model for leveraging sports and its ecosystem for socio-cultural development through a framework of R.E.C.O.G.N.I.S.E. that integrates MADANI values into the segments of the ecosystem of sports.  This framework will guide MADANI into the socio-cultural dimension of sports for societal change and development.