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Your Gateway To Open Access Publishing IN Youth Studies


About Us

The Asia Pacific Journal of Youth Studies (APJYS), formerly known as the Malaysian Journal of Youth Studies (MJYS) has been the official scientific journal of the Malaysia Ministry of Youth and Sports’ Institute for Youth Research (IYRES) since 2008. The Asia Pacific Journal of Youth Studies is an open-access, peer reviewed international scholarly journal that publishes research, policy, and practice–based articles on issues concerning youth and young adults.

Aim and Scope

The journal has an interdisciplinary profile that aims to be of relevance to researchers, students, practitioners and policy-makers. The journal encourages submission of papers from all countries and contexts, with a special emphasis on youth residing in the Asia-Pacific region. All papers are subject to editorial screening and double-blind peer review. For research-based manuscripts, we welcome articles from both quantitative and qualitative traditions. The journal is published two times a year in June and November.

Relevant topics include a wide array of issues including individual level factors, program evaluations, case studies and best practices, as well as policies affecting young people’s lives and development. Critical studies of issues pertaining to youth from underserved and marginalized groups are particularly welcome.