- FAQ -
(FAQs on submission and peer-review process, editorial policies, etc.)
- APJYS journal is an academic journal that encourages submission of papers from all countries and contexts, with a special emphasis on youth residing in the Asia-Pacific region and it is peer-reviewed journals.
- Authors are usually professors and academics, including PhD and Masters students, researchers, practitioners and policy-makers.
- APJYS is an open access journal and mainly funded by the Ministry of Youth and Sports Malaysia and published by Institute for Youth Research Malaysia (IYRES).
- To become an Author, you must first register at our website via this link: (Click Me)
- Registration and login are required to submit items online and to check the status of current submissions.
- Please read our instructions for authors carefully before you submit your manuscript (Read here)
There is no submission charge or article processing charge (APC).
Yes. During the article/ manuscript submission process, Author(s) must include a cover letter and the document must be SIGNED MANUALLY by corresponding author and submit ONLY SCANNED COPY to editorial board.
Submitting Author can track the status of their submission on their author homepage and choose “Workflow” on the banner at the top of the page. In the dropdown menu, choose “Status”. If you can’t find your paper, check the following:
- Are you logged in with the correct user account? Some users have multiple accounts. You may not see your submission if you login with a different username. Log out, check the “Submission Confirmation” email to see under which username the manuscript was originally submitted under, and then login again with the correct username.
- Are you the original submitting author, or a co-author? Only the original submitting author logged in with the correct username can edit/ revise a submitted manuscript. Even if you are named “corresponding author” in the paper, only the submitting user can edit/ revise a manuscript.
On the journal homepage, choose “About Us” on the banner at the top of the page. In the dropdown menu, choose Editorial Board.